Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I have kind of started vlogging....

So over the past six months, I have randomly been doing videos.  This is my experiemnt blog, so i figured they would go here first:)  They are just me, talking and not very good lighting. So enjoy....I guess

Monday, March 28, 2016

What to do, my conundrum

I am never sure what to do.

As to what you may ask?

Today I woke up, and was mostly awake for someone who has what I have can be, I get up get breakfast and after that I am overwhelmed with tiredness and fatigue......My brain is saying "You just had 11 hours of sleep!" but my body and eyes are like " Brains!!!" ok, not brains but "Sleeep" said in a zombie kind of way... Do I push through it? will that make it worse? or do I rest? Will that make it worse?  ugh....A lot of times I really can't push through it, it is overwhelming and I just end up resting somewhere.

Someday we should play the game :"Where will you find Krista resting/sleeping today?"

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Next theory

I have been doing some research and have come up with another theory...... Although I need to go to a  doctor to get tested for it.

Trying to get into doctors, at times, with CFIDS is kind of a nightmare.  I got a referral to this one doctor, she saw the word fatigue, didn't look at my results (although I don't think they were sent) and denied me and referred me to a doctor I already see. I called said doctors office to tell them my results are why I was being referred and receptionist said she was not going to forward it back to the doctor because I was already denied.....I then decided to call someone else, and get a referral sent to them....welll after several phone calls, I got my referral sent somewhere else. They are supposed to be calling me with appointment times but I have not heard from them....Next step?  Go to my doctor and just ask them to run the test for this theory I have and see what comes of the blood work.....